September 6, 2010

  • i say goodbye and you say hello… hello, hello.

    This last Saturday we went to Au Bois Vert for another MAF family farewell. I’m sad to say though that we forgot to take a group family photo like we ‘always’ do. Shame. But i did think to take a pic of the food platters. Miam, miam!! The genius behind Au Bois Vert’s success with the MAF team is that they put our big group out in the front garden, right beside the HUGE BOUNCY CASTLE. Which means we dont see our kids except when we drag them off to eat their lunch, and then they’re right back at it. It makes for a (mostly) relaxing and leisurely luncheon with adults. (i say mostly because Asher still isnt big enough to go on the bouncy castle ) I’m hoping Josh and i can go on a mini holiday to this hotel for a night or two while the Reimer family is in the country. Would be lovely to relax by the pool sans enfants.

    Asher stats:
    -the 4th tooth is finally cutting through, after a week or two of looking like it’s about to burst out.
    -he’s slept now 4 nights in a row through the night without waking up. it qualifies for the ‘sleeps through the night’ sticker in the baby book (i’m not one of those sticker happy moms who pastes one in on ‘fluke’ or random events like gas-smiles, or saying ‘mom’ in amidst babbling. ) We’re thinking this is a real stage milestone… which might -last for a week or so.
    -he’s finally grasped the benefits of going feet first down stairs.
    -is excessively attached to his bottle(s), for which i am excessively grateful.
    - can go down for morning and afternoon naps and usually also at night without fuss if clutching said bottle. i can usually just make up a warm drink, pop him in the bed, leave the room and voila! sleeping baby. (dont mind my smug boasting, this great phase too shall pass, i’m sure).
    - eats ‘big boy food’ exclusively.
    - can stand alone for 5 seconds. (this has not yet qualified for baby calendar sticker).
    - can really motor on bi-peds if holding on with one hand
    - can really throw a ball.
    - can point at objects.
    - says his first malagasy word which sounds something like “n-day”, meaning, “lets go”.

    Judah is going to his 3rd day of school this year tomorrow. He hasnt complained yet about anything other than this afternoon he announced that he didnt like it when people liked him so much. We have to send 4 photos of Judah in for admin/labeling purposes so this morning before the ‘bus’ came to pick him up i took a few to choose from… uh. so i think none of them actually look like him, but for the sake of expediency i chose the most “normal” looking one. Any guesses as to which one that is?

    What a goof.

Comments (2)

  • i SO hope it was the last one!!!  i love it!!

  • those pics remind me of the photo shoot i took nadia to this afternoon.  i wanted a photo shoot of her fifth year and my goodness was it difficult to get a ‘natural’ smile out of that girl . . . plenty of smiles but like i said :D


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