March 24, 2011

  • Asher videos

    Met girlfriends yesterday for cappuccinos at the Savanna Cafe. They have a beautiful terrace that overlooks the rice fields, so we sat there under the umbrellas and palm trees and sipped our drinks. Lovely.

    So we can remember “happy Asher” i’ve posted some Happy Asher videos. Just now he is Miserable! All night, all day. <sigh>

    On Tuesdays the ladies both come in the morning, and Irene brings her adoptive son Adrian to play. They usually have a grand time together playing in Malagasy while i’m off at the Beth Moore Bible study.

    Climbing up the drawers to the top, where all the good stuff is kept (not anymore!)

    For future reference i would like to mention here that i figured out the reason for the huge influx of water into the truck every time it rained. Yep. I am a mechanical genius.

    As i i have a quiet moment alone while the boys are having ‘boys bath’ upstairs with their dad i can mention some irrelevant things that i may find interesting when i re-read this blog in a years time.

    - we are counting down the 10 weeks until we leave for Canada with hesitant enthusiasm.
    - i want to write an article for the Messenger about the trials of furlough for missionaries.
    - I just did write a book review for a furlough preparation type book called “Families on the Move: Growing up overseas and Loving it!” by Marion Knell. My title for the review was “I’d rather have malaria than this any day!”, trying to communicate the fact that a) malaria isnt as deadly as many Canadians are taught to think and b) furlough is really quite terrible at times for missionary families.
    - already mentally packing the boys’ travel backpacks with new toys and special things to keep them… calm.
    - unenthused about ANOTHER Saturday without Josh. <sigh>. However, considering friends of mine dont see their husbands for half a month at a time! i reckon i wont complain too much. You know that story doesnt make us want to ever leave MAF, dont you? haha

Comments (2)

  • The view from that terrace looks amazing!!  Wow am I longing for warmer temperatures these days!  It’s so strange to me to see Asher running around.  In my head he is still a wee baby.  :)  

    Wishing you a happy weekend, even though your right-hand man won’t be with you on Saturday.  

  • so, guess who sat down beside me at the homeschooling conference today??? your friend Fiona! it really and truly is a small world. :)

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